Anne Reinarz Durham University

Recap: Distance Vector Routing

Recap: Distance Vector Routing


Recap: Distance Vector Routing


Recap: Count-to-Infinity Problem

### Core problem: - B knows it has no direct link to A. - C tells B it knows a route to A - But (in fact) C’s route also relies on the (now broken) link from B - No router knows that these old routes are invalid! - Routers only have knowledge of local topology (i.e. own links
Bad news of no path to A is learned slowly

Recap: Count-to-Infinity Problem


Recap: Link State Routing


Recap: Flooding

Recap: Hierarchical Routing


The MAC Sublayer

MAC is a layer responsible for determining who transmits next, i.e., who gets next access to the channel

The MAC Sublayer

### Application
### Transport
### Network
### Link: - Logical Link Control - Medium Access Control (MAC)
### Physical

- Logical Link Control: Responsible for error control & flow control - MAC: Responsible for multiple access resolutions

Key issue:

We have a single physical layer medium for network communication... it maybe a wire or it may be part of the wireless spectrum... but multiple connected nodes (computers, phones, tablets, servers, intelligent devices) all want (or try) to use it at once to transmit / receive

Why is this a problem ?

If two nodes transmit (“talk”) at the same time on the transmission medium the transmissions interfere with each other and become corrupted (“jumbled up”).

Why is this a problem ?


Channel Allocation Problem

Single channel is shared by several stations:

Static Channel Allocations

Static Channel Allocations


Static Channel Allocations

What are the limitations of static channel allocation?

Static Channel Allocations

The limitations of static channel allocation:

Dynamic Channel Allocations

Dynamic Channel Allocations

Dynamic Channel Allocations

Random Access Protocols

Random Access Protocols

Random Access Protocols

The various Random Access Protocols are:





Slotted ALOHA

Slotted ALOHA


Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

CSMA is based on the principle of “carrier sense”:

Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)


Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

1-Persistent CSMA

1-Persistent CSMA

1-Persistent CSMA


Non-Persistent CSMA

Non-Persistent CSMA


P-Persistent CSMA

Open Question:

What do we do if in spite of sensing a collision occurs?





Throughput by protocol


Controlled Access Protocols (CAP)

CAP (1) – Bitmap

CAP (1) – Bitmap

The basic bit-map protocol, or reservation protocol:

CAP (1) - Bitmap


CAP (2) - Token Passing


CAP (3) - Binary Countdown

Binary Countdown: Example

E.g. suppose stations have 4-bit addresses, and stations 0010, 0100, 1001, and 1010 wish to transmit
