2023: Minisymposium: Advanced UQ with Challenging Models - Software and Methods, SIAM CSE23, Amsterdam.
2022: First UM-Bridge Workshope, December.
2020: CHEESE Advanced Training on HPC for Computational Seismology, Zoom, October.
2020: MUQ Workshop in Garching (took place online due to Covid-19), March.
2019: ExaHyPE User Workshop in Garching, July
2019: Minisymposium, Design and usability of high-performance PDE software engines and frameworks, SIAM CSE19, Spokane.
2019: ExaHyPE User/Dissemination Workshop in Durham, April.
2015: National SIAM Student Chapter Conference
2013: Reading SIAM Student Chapter Conference
UM-Bridge, Monte Carlo Methods, Paris, June 2023.
A Deep dive into shallow water, SIAM Geosciences, Bergen, June 2023.
Design and Implementation of UQ Software, SIAM CSE, Amsterdam, February 2023.
Colloqium, University of the Balearic Islands, Palma, March 2023.
Parallelized Multilevel Markov Chain Monte Carlo, SIAM PP, February 2022.
Bayesian Inverse Problems for Tsunami Simulation, SSD Seminar Series, RWTH Aachen, May 2021.
Deep dive into Shallow Water, SIAM CSE21, March 2021
Modeling Composite Structures with Defects. Oxford Computational Mathematics Seminar, February 2021.
A High-Performance Implementation of a Robust Preconditioner for Heterogeneous Problems. PPAM, Bialystok, 2019.
9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2019), Valencia, 2019.
ISC, Frankfurt, 2019.
SIAM CSE19, Spokane, 2019.
Influence of A-Posteriori Subcell Limiting on Fault Frequency in Higher-Order DG Schemes, IEEE/ACM 8th Workshop on Fault Tolerance for HPC at eXtreme Scale (FTXS), 2019.
6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM-ECFD), Glasgow, 2018.
Multiscale Modelling of Lamination Defects in Curved Structures, 21st International Conference on Composite Materials. 2017.
Dune User Meeting, Heidelberg, 2017.